PneuTools is proud to announce two exciting advancements to the plastic cap industry. As of third quarter 2017, all the PneuTools collated plastic caps will be 100% made in the USA and a brand-new cap slap-hammer will be on its way!
Nearly 20 years ago, PneuTools transformed the plastic cap market by launching the market’s first collated cap stapler. At the time, many of our opponents scoffed at the idea of replacing a coil nail with a staple, but they were ultimatelycompelledto admit that this invention had changed the market.In the end, customers voted for the lighter, easier to use tool, which was less expensive and used cheaper fasteners.Today, we are ready to challenge the status quo again with a less expensive, more durable tool, which uses affordable, American made plastic caps. This means that customers will receive a higher quality product at an attractive price,yet still know that they are supporting American jobs.
“For us, the decision to move the production of our caps to the United States is a practical solution,” says Alex Gaggin, Product Manager. “It enables us to accomplish our goal to deliver a better product, with shorter lead-times, at a more competitive price. As for the new cap slap-hammer, I can only tell you that we are building a very nice little pet rock of a tool. It will be reliable, surprisingly feature rich, and very affordable.”